Units, your people, are the essential part of your kingdom - making.

Builders build roads and other tile improvements, construct or buildings.

You recruit units in your starting Settlement and all civilian buildings.

When diplomacy fails, military becomes the backbone of your effort.
Military units gain experience in combat, which increases their strength and unlocks new abilities.

This image is a boardgame example of a unit card, which shows all necessary info about a unit and can be used as a quick reminder during play.

Unit Types and Attributes

Each unit is defined by its type, attack, and attributes.
So far we have melee or ranged attacks.

Heavy armor

Reduces strength of melee attackers


Reduces strength of ranged attackers

Piercing shot

+1 damage to heavy armor

No firing arc

cannot shoot over friendly units standing on same terrain height

Set up

Must spend one action point prior to shooting

Melee specialist

Ranged unit


Anti cavalry

Siege Weapon

Unit Actions

You can activate each unit on the game board during the action phase of your turn.

    There are 5 possible unit actions:

  1. Move unit (more details bellow)
  2. Explore adjacent territory
  3. Shoot
  4. Activate ability
  5. Rest unit

First 3 actions require actions points ( ) to be done.

Activating an ability requires only when it is specified in the special ability description.

Resting a unit means you spend no with that unit during the action phase.
Rest = you can decide to take no actions with a unit this turn. In case your unit is damaged, to show you want to rest it just turn the wound token on the heal side ( ) if you did no actions with it this turn. At the start of the action phase in your next turn, remove up to 2 wound tokens from your unit.

You must start an attack or explore events/territories from an unoccupied hex.
Attacking an enemy or exploring an adventure hex always ends your unit’s action phase, unless specified by the unit’s special ability.

Attack Move:

Move into a hex occupied by an enemy unit (melee unit attack).

Swap Move (two units swap positions):

possible if both units have enough actions points to complete their movement


Attacking with a ranged unit always costs one action point.

Shoot with Siege Weapons:

Siege weapons must set up prior to shooting (setting up costs an additional action point).

Movement Cost

Units spend action points to enter a hex or attack.

The number of action points required to enter a hex (see the table) can be found on your quick reference sheet too.

You cannot do an attack move if you don’t have enough action points to enter the enemy unit hex.






Occupying Hexes

At the start of the game, only a civilian unit can occupy the same hex as a friendly military unit.

The only way to put two military units on the same hex is by building a Fortress/Castra/Castle or Ring Fortress.

Each Fortress/Castra/Castle or Ring Fortress built enables a creation of one unit formation.

More about formations

Unit Evolution & Promotions

Building more units of the same type will enable you to gain more experience and speed up unit type evolution on the unit battle record sheet.

Advance by 1 on unit battle track for each slain enemy or destroyed building.

All units unlock their special ability after slaying 2 units.

Example: All active Archers contribute to the same unit track and all new Archers built automatically start with the unlocked perks.

To mark a unit has used or has an active special ability, rotate the unit block so the arrow faces the enemy player.

More about unit abilities

Unit Battle Track

This is an essential element in the Board Game, showing all information important to you regarding the units.

Once you reach Elite status with any unit class, you gain +1 tactical point per turn.
That means you can use one more unit special ability per turn.

Unit type
Melee Cavalry
Ranged Infantry & Cavalry
Promotion I
Special Ability
Promotion II
Promotion III


Neutral unit


Attacks a three-hex triangle zone with .
Roll dice for each target.

The only way to get Kuma is to enter an Adventure tile and trigger its event, then succesfully defeat Kuma's mother and adopt Kuma.

Kuma is very strong in rough terrain and one of the few units which counters more than one unit type.

Special Abilities
Cleave 2
Ability Cost
Ability Duration
one battle
Best Terrain
Hills / Forests
Unit Cost
Action points
Elite Stats

Questions, ideas or proposals?

If there is anything you want to share with us, do not hesitate to write to us! We would love to hear from you!

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1040 Brussels


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